In case you are not sure where my vote will be going I am going to tell you here. Before the primaries I was for Pat Buchanon. But he did not win the Republican nomination. This left me with the choice to vote for someone else or stay Republican. I decided that I would better serve my country if I voted Republican. I truely believe that Bob Dole will be one of our greatest presidents. Ronald Reagan was great in all sorts of areas. George Bush promised "read my lips, no new taxes!" He broke that promise. That really cost him, but Bill Clinton broke the same kind of promise. Instead of saying 'No new taxes!' like George Bush, he promised a middle class tax cut. Not only did I never see this tax cut, he raised my taxes! In my book, the people of the U.S. should vote out Clinton just like they did Bush. The biggest difference between Bush and Clinton is the fact that we knew where Bush stood on National Defense. He went in and kicked butt in Iraq. When it comes to the millitary Bill Clinton is as 'wishy-washy' as Charlie Brown.

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