This United States has the most beautiful money in the world. Some people complain that the money is not colorful. Money is green. Green is the color of money. Monopoly money is colorful, but worthless. Money from other nations have several colors, but it is ugly. The different shades of green on our money, the cool hand drawn designs are awesome. The money is symmetrical. A presidents head in the middle, not too big, not too small. On each corner the monetary value. The serial number on each side of the head.

Our new 100 dollar bills SUCK! They do not have the cool hand drawn designs. It looks like someone just used a spiral-graph to make the border. They do not have any cool leafy design that surround the monetary values. The head is WAY TOO BIG and off center. Someone said it well when they said "It looks like a rough draft that someone forgot to finish."

Over the next 5 to 7 years they are going to replace all the bills down to the one dollar bill. I hope that they don't continue to follow the same pattern they are following now. Otherwise our money will SUCK!

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