Multi-Level Marketing Business Association Presents:

The Member Contract

Multi-Level Business Association Member Contract

1.  I will not bad mouth the Multi-Level Business Association.

2.  I will not bad mouth any MLM Business to get a contact or build my network.

3.  I will have a good time.

4.  I will come to at least 1 meeting a month, but I will try to make it to all the meetings. 
	-- Remember M.M.M.M.M.! (To find out what this means ask the President.)

5.  I will tell my friends about the fun we are having and encourage them to come.

6.  I will bring someone new to each and every meeting.

7.  I will help out people in our Association when ever possible.

8.  I will practice using Morals and Ethics in my life.

9.  I will not dress overly poorly.

10.  I will not pressure people or hot box them.

11.  I will put in my 2cents when it is needed.

12.  I will give tips and secrets about networking and making contacts.

13.  I will not use the MLM Association name except when given permission by the President, Advisor,
	 or a vote of the general assembly.

14.  I will not use WSU's Computer system to promote my personal business interests.
	This includes e-mailing people, and advertising on the WWW.

15.  I will call the President and/or Advisor and inform them when an Association member is 
	breaking one of these rules.

I, __________________________________, have read the above contract and will follow the 
rules.  I understand that breaking these rules can result in my suspension or expulsion 
from the Association. I understand that my Association dues are non-refundable, so my dues will also be 

_______________________________________		____________________
Signature							Date