Multi-Level Marketing Business Association Presents:

Approved MLM Businesses

These are the approved MLM Businesses.
In order for the MLM Business Association to keep a good name within the WSU Student body and the Pullman-Moscow community we will only allow recognized MLM businesses to use our Association to help them out. The MLM Association allows anyone to be a Member whether they are a part of an MLM business or not.

If you want you MLM Business to be approved read the following...
In order to recognize a MLM Business we request the Association Member to supply the MLM Associations' Officers with complete documentation about their business, to include the headquarters address and phone number, the name of their immediate upline, and any other pertinent information. We will talk with the headquarters, upline and the Attorney Generals Office in the State of the Headquarters. If all checks out we will recognize the MLM Business.

Who to contact? Try Travis S. Anderson at 333-4140 or e-mail at