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Homosexuality is wrong. Having gays in the military is wrong. No special right should be passed along to people who choose to be gay. Fat people get no special rights because they choose to be fat. No man should be discriminated against because of looks beyond his control, religion, creed, or national origin. But, when someone chooses to be gay or they choose to put ear rings in places that they don't belong that is their problem. No law should be enacted to protect this kind of man. They should realize that as long as they continue living an immoral lifestyle they will have a hard time fitting in with normal people.

Gay-rights forces win major test

spouts a headline from the Pullman-Moscow Daily News on Monday, March 20th 1996. The Supreme Court handed gay-rights advocates their biggest victory. They over-turned a Colorado constitutional amendment that forbids the protection of homosexuals from discrimination.

The Supreme Court, when making this decision, makes one believe that homosexuality is not a choice but rather it is the way someone is born. That is the only way this kind of lawful protection can be given. They are equating race and "sexual orientation" (I put it in quotes because it is a choice not an orientation). If the Supreme Court was doing their job correctly they would have decided that people can not be discriminated against but an immoral life style can be discriminated against. This is the same as fat people. You can not discriminate against the person, but you can discriminate against the fat. For instance, airlines like skinny people to be the flight attendants because of the skinny isle-ways.

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