The new government model!

Federal government should be incharge of national issues. This includes the monitary system, national defense, trade, relations, interstate highways and the US Constitution.

The monitary system should be maintained by the federal government. This will help keep the money supply correct. I think that they should have someone else design the new money. The ugliest bill I have ever seen in my life is the new $100.00 bill. They should stay with the old style.

The national defense (Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, FBI, CIA, BATF, DEA) should be maintained by the feds. However I think the the social programs that are being tested in the millitary should no be taking place. Our millitary is here to protect our boarders, our intrests, and destroy things.

Our trade and relation with other countries is best handled by the feds also. They can best represent what is in the best intrest of all the states.

Out interstate highway system is used for us to get around, but the millitary needs it to transport their things too. Therefore the feds should be incharge of maintaining it.

The US Constitution needs to be protected by the federal government. They should be there to make sure the states don't overstep the constitution, but the federal government should step back and allow the state to choose what they want. They should not be told what to do. The federal government should step in if there is a sign of coruption or a state makes an unconstitutional law.

The state government should be in charge of education, local roads and state highways, limited social programs, land use, and local law enforcement.

The state government should make K-12 education a priority. College is also very important. Trade school should be like K-12 education. Residents pay taxes to support local trade schools. College should be a choice of people who don't want to go to trade schools. We should try to find way to make college cheaper for the average student.

The local roads and highways will be taken care just like they are now. In some cases they should have a little more care given.

The social programs that a state offers should be dependant on what the residents need. Welfare should be a safety net, not a hammock. With trade school run like K-12 local residents can register and go there for free. This will help with job training.

The state government should be in charge of the parks in their state. The should choose which trees to cut down, which ones to save. Which "wetlands" to build near and which to leave alone.

The law enforcement in the state will be taken care of just as it is now. But some extra money should be ear-marked for law enforcement issues.

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