The family structures that I support are the nuclear family and the extended family.

The Nuclear Family
This is a family that includes a husband, a wife and kids. The nuclear family gives kids both structure and a healthy up-bringing. A son can look up to his dad, as well as get love and attention that he needs from his mom. A daughter can look up to her mother and get the knowledge and protection from her father.
If a father or a mother in the family dies the nuclear family structure is broken. This mean that the kids are going to miss part of their life and up-bringing. Things that people can do to help ease the lose of the kid(s) include bring in an out-side mentor, an uncle or aunt, or a step-father or step-mother.
An out-side mentor can be a family friend or the parent of one of your kids' friends. In my case about 3 years after my dad died of cancer it was my friend Sean Conklin whose dad was someone I could look up to. He helped keep me on the straight and narrow.
I think that I was lucky having someone who was looking out for me. All kids need this. I had a father figure and a mother in my life from the time I was born. All kids need this. I can't stress this enough.

The Extended Family
This model is prevalent in Japan. It is where grand parent, parents and grand kids live under the same roof. The reason this is good is the fact the you always have someone who is there who loves you. Love in any family is important. In the extended family love can come from a mother, or grandmother, a father or a grandfather, even uncles and aunts. There will be people to take care of the elders when they get to the point here they can not care for themselves. They will be surrounded by loved ones until their death. What a great way to go.

You can't beat your own family!

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