I believe that the United States of America should drop its drinking age all together.

Rational: A lot of crime comes from alcohol abuse. Americans abuse alcohol because they do not grow up with it, but rather they are teased by it. Alcohol abuse stems from kids who see a substance that others use while having fun. But us adults say "no!" you can't have any until you are 21 years old. This really gives the kids the wrong idea about alcohol. I think that a kid having a glass of wine at dinner with his parents, or a beer after a football game with his dad is a good thing. Kids will no longer view alcohol as something cool and mysterious, but rather something that is okay to have in moderation.
Studies suggest that a glass of alcohol a day is good for you. Over all I think that by allowing kids to grow up with alcohol they will not see it as a means to "get drunk and have fun" but rather as a beverage.

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